Ready to engage?

Something caught your attention and I’d love to know more.

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Dr. Vee to speak?   

That’s What They Said.

“Empathy wasn't even in my vocabulary before I started working with Vee. Now I work better with my coworkers and have a much easier time in social settings.”

- Emily JF

“I started working with Dr. LaVita by phone and then we went to the virtual platform. It was serving me well, but I really wanted more. I knew that if I could sit at the table with her it would accelerate my growth x10. So I committed to making monthly trips to her. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Well worth the investment.”

- Dr. Fallon

“I put a level of trust in Dr. Vee that I have yet to put in any earthly being. The way she came in, analyzed the situation and completely transformed my organization was out of this world.

Freaking amazing!”

- Dresher & Associates

Ways to engage.

  • I have an affinity for working with organizations and community agencies.

    I love to play in the areas of emotional intelligence, leadership, strategic planning, SEL planning + implementation, and organizational culture and climate design.

  • Who is my ideal client? HUMAN.

    My clients show up as curious, receptive, motivated and honest.

    I work with EVERYONE.

    The work we do together begins and ends in social + emotional intelligence. It’s the nucleus of navigating our days and relationships.

  • If you’re talking personal and professional growth, I’m in.

    My greatest experiences have been in leadership development, emotional intelligence and SEL.

    What you’ll get will be mindful and engaging.

    YES, I have a catalog of offerings.

    I prefer to design intentional experiences each time to honor my clients and stretch myself.

  • I operate in a knowing that my voice holds great power. I speak when and where led.

    I thrive when speaking to others in deeply resonating ways.

    These experiences include keynotes, panels, youth events, community circles, fireside chats, lunch & learns, and podcasts/interviews.

  • I see community as the anchoring of collective agency.

    I engage with collectives working toward greater good and impact.

    I feel at home in the church, with Conscious-Disrupters, and working with youth.

  • Partnership can be a powerful and motivating force.

    I align with companies and brands that value equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, total well-being, and are guided by a strong ethical compass.

  • Life requires a multidimensional approach to our total wellbeing.

    Offerings include color and sound integrative practices to enhance physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual wellness.